Saturday, July 2, 2011

Happy birthday to ME!

Technically my birthday is not until Monday but my party is tonight (and I like to celebrate me for weeks so...) and it got me thinking, one about lost friendships (it's hard thinking about last years party and then thinking of this one and knowing the key people that are no longer the same), two about another year gone, another year older (I would say wiser but Idk about that..), and three another chance to start over, get back on track.
I also sadly realized that I have become a massive anti-social, shut in, fat blob...tonight will be the first time I've dolled up since March!! My poor boyfriend sees me in pj's, looking frumpy all the time! lol
So here's to another year, full of promise and potential and I'm sure surprises!!!


  1. You are awesome Vanessa! I wish I could have been at your party...and LOVE the shoes!! :) You look beautiful! xoxoxo!

  2. I wish too! Thank you for the love! :)


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