Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I've been shot...

So went out with a friend for drinks and ended up talking about Juarez and for the few that don't know, in high school I was shot.
So here's the story...back before Juarez got super scary we used to go party every week there..well this one time was the best, funnest time ever and I was WASTED! We were leaving and in the parking lot when we heard gun shots, I am of course oblivious to my surroundings as always so my friends are yelling at me to get down. I do but half heartily and then they yell at me to get in the car. My left leg is slightly burning but I acknowledge my friends demands and get in the car. The random boy next to me notices my bloody thigh and announces to the car that I've been shot but its only a graze. I remember every detail from this point on, which is amazing for a girl who has the worst memory! The carload of people became hysterics, people were yelling at each other and I was instantly sober and hysterical. We start frantically driving to get me out of Mexico and into El Paso. We stop at the Boarder Patrol and he asks us if we are US citizens and we all say yes, then he asks what the Presidents pets name is, we say we don't know and he says "Yep you are US citizens!" So we make it to Thomason and enter through the ER and everyone starts yelling "Gun Shot!" (seriously this moment is like in the movies). They put me on a bed and rip my jeans off, which by the way was my biggest concern, and do xrays. Oh and I failed to mention that it was not a graze, it went through my entire thigh! The doctor said that if the bullet had been an inch lower I would be paralyzed and an inch higher and it would have hit an artery and I would have bled to death before getting to the hospital. So I'm 17, so drunk that they can't even give me medicine and can not be admitted into a room without parent am placed in the hall. Finally my mom gets there and I get my room but I have a panic attack in the middle of the long story short I was fine but for awhile you could see through my leg and I had to do physical therapy, basically re-learn how to walk, and I still have two little scars...but one hell of a good story!