Thursday, April 8, 2010

action plan.

So I have set up a plan to get myself from being such a pile..hopefully it is just mental and nothing is actually wrong with me, I have a fear of diabetes.
1. Exercise.
2. Get better school job.
3. Re-focus on school since I have completely become side-tracked this semester.
4. Eat healthier-then make the transition to Vegetarian.
5. Enjoy the people in my life that matter and stop stressing about the ones that don't.
6. Breathe and just be happy in the moment.
7. Re-join my bible study, like school it has fallen through the waist side this semester.
8. Curb some sweets and tv.
9. Re-group....I have a very full and blessed life but I need to figure out how to balance it all, without letting things fall aside.
{School, work, family, friends, and me time}