Friday, May 14, 2010


"Ask most people what they want from life and the answer is be happy. Maybe its this expectation though that just keeps us from getting there. Maybe the more we try and will ourselves to states of bliss the more confused we get, to the point where we don't recognize ourselves. Instead we just keep smiling, trying like hell to be the happy people we wish we were until eventually it hits us, its been there all along..not in our dreams or hopes but in the known, the comfortable, the familiar." ~Grey's Anatomy
I don't know how after a year of really bad boys and dating experiences, I can finally have everything in a guy I could have ever imagined or wished for, yet I still sabotage. Ugh I'm so annoyed with myself and scared that I'm going to lose everyone. Guys put up with me for so long but eventually all leave and can you blame them..all I do is push and push...and fuck I'm moody! I don't even know why I do it...
And G is back and says he just wants to be friends, even called me his BFF and said how happy he is for me and A, yet in the same breathe brings up sex with me.
On a better note, one of my bests is back in town and having my bests around just makes me feel complete. So tonight we all went to a baseball game (yes in fact little ol' Cruces has a professional team and then had a few beers.
I'm looking forward to the weekend and a day trip to the lake. :)