Thursday, April 14, 2011

I'm having major school blues...the countdown till this semester ends (three weeks by the way) is torture, seriously! And it's just not this semester, it's major school burn out. I am so looking forward to a break, even if it is just a few weeks until the joy of summer school (sense my sarcasm!). I need an open road and a road trip adventure and a lot of doing nothing days!

On a side note...I miss you Sunny, my friend! I think you are the only one that reads my blog!?


  1. Hello! I just read your blog! I am in the same boat as you it takes persistence and patience to get followers. Or a giveaway I found out!!

  2. Yay! :) Thanx for reading! I'm going to start reading yours as well! I don't really want tons of followers because what I write is personal but still nice to get love..once in awhile! ;)

  3. Hey Sweetie!!!: ) I have been reading, and so sorry not to comment. Work and personal life are so nuts, I am so numb...but reading you brings me joy! Those cupcakes look so amazing, I can't believe how talented you are! Your mom is really lucky to get such treats from you!! My trip to NM was really overwhelming and has me wanting to move back really badly. (and this doesn't count my lovely train wreck of having too much tequila at La Posta then sending emotional emails to a man I used to love..nice...) I actually applied for jobs this past week there LOL! I understand school burn out, you are doing so much! It will be the BIGGEST party when it's all over...complete with some of your baking I am sure : ) New Mexico needs your restaurant! Have a great weekend!

  4. Sunny, SO good to hear from you!I'm sorry you are having a hard time but remember this too shall pass...and I may be partial but I'm hoping for you to move back! :) Keep me posted and let me know if you need anything!! xoxo

  5. You are such a sweetheart!! ;) And I hope to move back too...I am married, he kinda wants to stay here but I am looking down there anyway. I can't ignore how I felt ya know? Thank you for the encouraging words! I only wish I could have come by to have some wine and to sample those amazing cupcakes myself!! : ) Love S

  6. You have to do whats best for you and will make you happy, which is what he should want also! Wine and cupcake date we will have to plan on! :)


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