Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2009 What A Year!

So as the end of another year comes around, I find myself reviewing and contemplating everything that the year had brought...
I quit my GM job and went to a new restaurant coming to town but ended up traveling for the first part of the year. I then decided to quit management all together and go back to school to finish my teaching degree. I met my gay hubbie, who now I can't imagine my life without. I became addicted to FaceBook and have reconnected with sooooo many people and its amazing! I was proposed too. I became a very poor college student and have realized money is the bain of my existence. I dated alot and none of them turned out well..full stories of those mini-relationships will come in another post..but surprisingly learned more from them then my huge long relationships. I had an epiphany about myself and my issues..that I have dad issues and am in a constant search for love and family yet am so afraid of being left that I make it happen; that for the past 6 years all I have done is settle for the wrong boys (and it all started with Dusty). I have finally stopped caring so much about other people. I completed my first semester back at NMSU and got 4 A's and 2 B's!!
This surprisingly is a normal year in my life and actually was not that bad of a year..especially compared to 2008, which was my horrible year where I wasn't sure if I'd make it out alive. I am very much looking forward to 2010 and hopefully a stable, calmer year focused on school and the ever growing improvements of me....Yeah right, what would my life be without drama and constant change! :)
"The drama in life is what makes you strong."

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of blogging! One more addiction to add to your collection! ;)

    I sure hope 2010 is a wonderful year for you!


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