"50 things every girl should do in her life"
50. Ride on the back of a motorcycle. ✔
49. Date someone who has visible tattoos. (this guy was way interesting and even had piercings in certain areas....I'll let you use your imagination...) ✔
48. Buy a toolkit & learn how to use the things in it. (I can use a wrench and a hammer, that's about it but I do know hot to change my oil on my car...lol)
47. Travel alone.
46. Spend a day at the best spa you can afford.
45. Drive quickly. ✔
44. Date someone older than you (5+ years). ✔
43. Date someone younger than you. ✔
42. Live in a foreign country.
41. Have a romance with someone who doesn’t speak English.
40. Meet one of your idols.
39. Do something your friends don’t approve of. ✔
38. Delve into your personal psychology. ✔
37. Be proud of your smile & your laugh. ✔
36. Live by yourself. ✔
35. Learn to say no. ✔
34. Give time to a cause you believe in. (I would put a check but I don't feel like this could ever not deserve more time and money!)
33. Forgive your parents for whatever they did wrong. (um, yeah, that'll always be a work in progress....)
32. Have some photos taken of you that you really like.
31. Learn to drive. ✔...I just can't parallel park worth shit...
30. Become a better public speaker.
29. Understand how fortunate you really are.
28. Break your destructive patterns.
27. Evolve your look & scare yourself (often!).
26. Take a risk & prove the naysayers wrong. ✔
25. Fall devastatingly, helplessly, head-over-heels in love. (I've been in love but always hold back out of fear...)
Friday, February 18, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentines day...

Today made me think about where I was a year ago and it's crazy how much changes; I should be used to that by now because it seems like my life is never the same from year to year!
Last Valentines I was single, dating a 25 year old cutie but dumbo...I couldn't imagine a second without talking to my gay bf and now he's a completely different person and not a good friend (which I am still struggling with..)..was living in a different house..etc, etc.
I can say I'm in such a better place...so I guess that's the idea, to learn and grow.
And just because I think it's hilarious, enjoy the bluntcard!!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
I need more time in the day for all the things I need and want to do; mainly for my millions of addictions!
School is all consuming...then there's my Three animals..then Facebook (where I spend way too much idle time)..then my newest obsession, pinterest..then my tv addictions, where Netflix instant is a huge part (currently watching Damages)..then my side learning projects of knitting and cake decorating (by the way, my baking obsession is not helping with my diet!)..then the millions of books I want to read..then friend time..sleep time (I do not function well without eight hours)...and oh yeah the fiance.
Um yeah...
School is all consuming...then there's my Three animals..then Facebook (where I spend way too much idle time)..then my newest obsession, pinterest..then my tv addictions, where Netflix instant is a huge part (currently watching Damages)..then my side learning projects of knitting and cake decorating (by the way, my baking obsession is not helping with my diet!)..then the millions of books I want to read..then friend time..sleep time (I do not function well without eight hours)...and oh yeah the fiance.
Um yeah...
Friday, February 4, 2011

So I don't make New Years Resolutions, one because I never keep them longer then like a day and two I just think they are stupid...however I do like the idea of starting a new, getting a chance to grow. I had a list that I wanted to do starting in the new year but Time is just crazily flying by and I keep postponing and postponing what I need to do...really I'm just a pile of lazy, especially when it comes to losing all this weight I've put on! :/
However, I had a health scare this week and it made me stop, made me really scared...it was a great swift kick in the ass and I'm ready to start doing my list.
I love this quote!
"A year from now you will wish you had started today!"
....and that's exactly what I plan on doing! :)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Snow day=happiness!!!
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