Today made me think about where I was a year ago and it's crazy how much changes; I should be used to that by now because it seems like my life is never the same from year to year!
Last Valentines I was single, dating a 25 year old cutie but dumbo...I couldn't imagine a second without talking to my gay bf and now he's a completely different person and not a good friend (which I am still struggling with..)..was living in a different house..etc, etc.
I can say I'm in such a better place...so I guess that's the idea, to learn and grow.
And just because I think it's hilarious, enjoy the bluntcard!!
I completely understand! It's amazing what a difference a year can make..and every time I think I can slow down for a second, life speeds up. I am so sorry to hear about your gay bf. It is sad losing people that mean a lot. I hate it. It leaves such a void..but, there is a reason they are no longer around..it sounds like maybe he would be dragging you down now..Congratulations on all the positive moves of this year, and HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! : )