Friday, February 4, 2011

So I don't make New Years Resolutions, one because I never keep them longer then like a day and two I just think they are stupid...however I do like the idea of starting a new, getting a chance to grow. I had a list that I wanted to do starting in the new year but Time is just crazily flying by and I keep postponing and postponing what I need to do...really I'm just a pile of lazy, especially when it comes to losing all this weight I've put on! :/
However, I had a health scare this week and it made me stop, made me really was a great swift kick in the ass and I'm ready to start doing my list.

I love this quote!
"A year from now you will wish you had started today!"
....and that's exactly what I plan on doing! :)


  1. I hope your health is ok! I don't know if Dr Kemmer is still in Las Cruces but she was the best..if you need someone : ) You are such a bright, intelligent and introspective woman, I wish you the best on your list! I am not so good with such things...but I have started Zumba, which I really like. It is fun, so it doesn't feel as much to me like a work out (YEAH!).

  2. I am hoping everything is fine...
    Thank you SO much for caring and the lovely, lovely words!
    I am so happy you started reading my blog!!!
    I love Zumba and can't get enough of it!


Your comments make me happy. Thanks for stopping by you fabulous gem!