Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I seem to always be fighting a never ending battle, one that I should get used to but still hurts so much...that battle is people. So been feeling down the last few weeks and once again evaluating who should be in my life. The good thing is that I am getting to a good place with it and slowly starting to not care as much about people that don't seem to care either; I am always the one that fights to keep friendships going, to hang out, to be there for them, to not let friendships fade. I'm taking lessons from Zondria! :) The surprising thing is the people that step out at bad times but also the unexpected people that step in.
On a better note, it is now well into my favorite month...chill in the air, pumpkins, scary movies, candy and Halloween...and from here it just gets better, I can't wait for the holidays this year!


  1. Hi Vanessa! I am a friend of a friend of a friend : ) I used to live in Las Cruces..I saw Julie and Julia too and love what you do. I just had to say that I totally understand what you are going through! I have had very similar experiences. Some times they hurt pretty badly. Hang in there! You are awesome and so much fun to read. I love this time of year too! I miss Las Cruces in the fall with the roasted chili smell on the wind. I moved to Oregon a few years ago. It's pretty but not the same. Take care of yourself! Stay fabulous! Sunny

  2. You completely made my day, thank you so much for reading and for the comment!! How are you liking Oregon? I actually am thinking of moving that way once I graduate.

  3. That's so sweet! You are welcome! : ) I have read you like to cook.. Oregon is a great place for that! I love the food in NM, but here we can get a lot of food that's natural/organic etc. And there are some amazing restaurants that make food with local ingredients.. here are some links to my favorite places to eat: http://www.screendoorrestaurant.com/ and http://www.hotlipspizza.com/about/index.html and http://sainthonorebakery.com/ It's a really pretty place too. Plus a ton of wineries. Yeah!! Oh, and I LOVE your quote, I used to teach online for NMSU and actually used part of that quote on my homepage! I hope you are having a great day! S

  4. Thank you..you are the best! Hopefully one day, we'll meet up over wine and food! :)

  5. That sounds great! I hope you are having a fabulous week : )


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