Here are some random Vanessa facts:
~I am a very anal planner and get very annoyed with flaky people.
~I am a complex beyond measure.
~I secretly hate when no one likes or comments on my Facebook status.
~I have an addictive personality, like chapstick and lotion, naps, sweets, socializing, tv..
~I consider my bests my family, which is why I take friendships so seriously.
~I hate people yet crave them and in some ways am run by them..what they do/don't do, what they think of me, etc.
~I am a moody bitch..maybe even bi-polar.
~I am a animal person, can't not have a dog.
~I am obsessed with taking pictures.
~I have had a million people come and go in the last thirty years and wonder if you ever really know someone, if I'll ever find people that will never go away.
~I've struggled with money all my life.
~I am so lazy.
~I am my own worst enemy.
~I'm a control freak.
~Shopping does equal happiness.
~I have created my blog around Bluntcards. ;)
~I do in fact think the world revolves around me, hence why when I was little I thought fireworks were for me and why for most of my life I lived in a Vanessa bubble.
~I am so competitive, especially when it comes to board games.